
「孔大吉」始創於一九九七年四月, 是多倫多第一家專營古方茶包以及養生食療湯包的天然藥材專門店。全體同仝均擁有非常豐富的醫藥, 護理等相關領域的專業知識以及應用經驗, 自開業以來, 秉承中藥行業之「戒欺」古訓, 重〝誠信〞, 惜〝商譽〞, 嚴控品質。所選用的藥材, 从進貨渠道開始到出售到客人手上為止, 每個程序都經過層層把關篩選, 因而所有的藥療茶包,食療湯包以及傳統保健涼茶均療效顯著, 同時又能品嘗道地藥材的天然風味。「孔大吉」經過二十多年艱苦卓絕的經營, 以誠信, 品質, 專業服務贏得了廣大顧客的高度贊賞, 口碑遠播, 從而令「孔大吉」成為客人深具信心保証的優質品牌。

根据現代環境变遷, 生活習慣的改变, 結合加拿大國情, 如何正确運用古代茶方, 食療湯方以達到防病治病, 延年益壽的目的, 是「孔大吉」不斷努力探索的目標, 並在實踐中積累了豐富的經驗, 養肝固腎, 健脾益肺, 寧心安神, 消脂美顏以及免疫強身等一系列風味獨特, 創意無限的食療湯水深受客人喜愛。多年來, 「孔大吉」更堅持不懈地搜尋世界各地的珍貴食材, 例如: 墨西哥特級野生刺參, 南極珍珠白肉刺參, 澳洲特大紅螺頭, 泰國優質的洞燕盞, 日本原種冬菇, 紐西蘭特選鹿茸, 吉林石柱紅參以及各類原曬特厚花膠等, 貨源充足, 品質保證, 價格優惠, 為了進一步确保商譽和品質, 已將「孔大吉」作商標正式注冊。

「孔大吉」現設有三間分店, 分别在太古廣場, 萬錦廣場以及朗豪坊二樓商場, 各具特色的三間分店均由名設計師設計, 時尚新穎, 又不失古樸典雅, 琳瑯滿目的貨品, 擺設得整齊而有系列, 讓客人在輕鬆購物之餘, 有賓至如歸的感覺, 全新設計訂做的百子櫃, 令配藥更准确, 更快捷。「孔大吉」憑著顧客至上, 貨真價實的經營理念以及一絲不苟, 精益求精的專業精神, 不斷發展壯大, 成為全多倫多系列最完善, 品種最齊全, 數量最多的茶包湯包以及天然藥材專門店, 为忙碌的都市人提供著多元化的優質服務。


Philip Herbal Shop commenced its business as the first herbal store in Toronto to exclusively specialize in selling packs of natural herbal tea bags and soup bags in accordance to ancient Chinese herbal combination formulas. All of our staff members are knowledgeable and experienced in using traditional Chinese herbs to address different bodily needs. We always take our jobs seriously and professionally, faithfully standing by our principle of being honest and transparent. Throughout the past 20 years, Philip Herbal Shop has been outstanding and remarkable in the management of its business. With high product quality and a motto of honesty, our professional services have gained the confidence and appreciation of our customers, as well as the goodwill of the public. Our trade name, Philip Herbal Shop, has been duly registered as an exclusive trade mark.

The goal of Philip Herbal Shop is to use traditional herbal formulas to stay healthy, prevent illnesses, and to prolong our lives in consideration of the rapid changes in living environments and people’s lifestyles. We eventually accumulated the experience necessary to create the herbal formulas to strengthen the liver, kidneys, lungs, and digestive system, improve skin complexion and immune system, as well as to help soothe the heart and mind. The sources of our products are carefully selected from all over the world. Examples include grade A wild sea cucumbers from Mexico, dried sea conchs from Australia, dried mushrooms from Japan, organic goji berries from Tibet, as well as different kinds of thick fish maw. Our herbs and products are prepared through special procedures to ensure proper quality control, so it is guaranteed that all herbal soup combinations are both appetizing and effective in improving one’s health.

Currently, Philip Herbal Shop has three stores at the following locations: (1) Pacific Mall, (2) First Markham Place, and (3) second floor of Langham Square. These three stores are professionally designed to look modern, but also classic and elegant, so customers can feel relaxed and at home while shopping. Hundreds of products are tidily and systematically displayed, with newly designed herbal storage cabinets to make the prescription process fast and accurate. Serving our customers is always our first priority, and we sell authentic and high quality products at reasonable price. We are developing and expanding our business as an exclusive natural herbal store, providing the best choice, the best quality, as well as the best services to the busy people in a large and modern city.

The trade mark of Philip Herbal Shop represents quality and confidence.


